Department Statistical Report

Orem Home Safety Report

( 1st Nov, 2023 - 31st Oct, 2024 )

Survey conducted for:

Orem, UT Fire Department

Orem, UT Fire Department

4 participants have taken the survey. Below are results for the survey.

Smoke Alarms

Does your home have a working smoke alarm?

  • 100 : yes
  • 0 : no
  • 0 : na

Carbon Monoxide Detector

Does your home have at least one working CO detector?

  • 100 : yes
  • 0 : no
  • 0 : na

Escape Plans

Do you have an escape plan if there were an emergency such as a fire, in your home?

  • 50 : yes
  • 50 : no
  • 0 : na

Can ALL occupants of your home escape without assistance in an emergency?

  • 100 : yes
  • 0 : no
  • 0 : na

Do you have a meeting place outside of your residence to meet in the event of an emergency?

  • 50 : yes
  • 50 : no
  • 0 : na

Fire Sprinklers

Does your home have fire sprinklers?

  • 25 : yes
  • 75 : no
  • 0 : na


Do you allow smoking inside your home?

  • 50 : yes
  • 50 : no
  • 0 : na

Open Flames and Smoldering Objects

Do you use candles, incense, or other open flame or smoldering objects in your home?

  • 100 : yes
  • 0 : no
  • 0 : na

Are all matches, lighters, or other objects that can start a fire kept out of reach of children?

  • 100 : yes
  • 0 : no
  • 0 : na

Electrical Safety

Do you use extension cords as permanent wiring for any objects in your home?

  • 25 : yes
  • 75 : no
  • 0 : na

Fire Extinguishers

Do you have a working fire extinguisher in the kitchen, laundry, and workshop/garage?

  • 25 : yes
  • 75 : no
  • 0 : na

Home Heating

Do you use a portable space heater to heat your home?

  • 100 : yes
  • 0 : no
  • 0 : na

Surveys According to Language


